Review the career stage below to see what support and development opportunities are available to support you.
There are a range of centrally available events and resources for researchers new to Essex to complement local support available to support you and develop your practice.
Activity | Focus | Next steps |
Research Integrity Moodle course | This is essential training for all researchers at Essex | Complete Modules 1 and 2 of the Moodle course |
Induction checklist | All new staff are expected to engage with the guidance for new starters | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Education and Research staff induction | This event will orientate you to the institutional context and support available for you | Search the learning event catalogue |
Academic permanency and promotion guidance | Use this to understand Pathway to Permanency and promotion | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Review the Research Enterprise Office (REO) Staff Directory pages | These outline the policies, processes and support for researchers at Essex | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Identify what the local arrangements are for sharing research ideas and good practices | These opportunities vary between Schools, Departments and Faculties | Find out more by asking your mentor or line manager |
Meet with the Director of Research or their nominee | Share your research interests and understand how you can be supported in your context | Arrange a meeting with your Director of Research or their nominee |
Review the Researcher Development Framework | A through career focal point for researchers at Essex |
Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Support for new staff Library guide | This guide introduces staff to what the library can offer you and your students | Work through the Library's guide for new staff at Essex |
Research Impact Tool | The Research Impact Toolkit provides a suite of tools and resources to help you start planning an impact strategy and make developing research impact an integral part of your research practice. The toolkit is a comprehensive and in-depth resource for researchers at all levels and is hosted on Moodle. | Go to the Research Impact Tool |
There are a range of centrally available events and resources for early career researchers to complement local support available to support you and develop your practice.
Activity | Focus | Next steps |
Research Integrity Moodle course | This is essential training for all researchers at Essex | Complete Modules 1 and 2 of the Moodle course |
Academic permanency and promotion guidance | Information related to Pathway to Permanency | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Identify the Research Enterprise Office (REO) colleagues that can support you in your role | Find out about which areas and individuals are the point of contact for your area | Search the Staff Directory or speak to your Academic Advisor |
Identify what the local arrangements are for sharing research ideas and good practices | These opportunities vary between Schools, Departments and Faculties | Find out more by asking your mentor or line manager |
Meet with the Director of Research or their nominee | Share your research interests and understand how you can be supported in your context | Arrange a meeting with your Director of Research or their nominee |
Review the Researcher Development Framework | A through career focal point for researchers at Essex | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Engage with the Newcomers Programme | Support, training and networking opportunities for researchers in the early stages of their career | Find out more on the Library webpages |
Pathways to Permanency Faculty based networking events | These are available for all researchers engaging with Pathway to Permanency | Attendance is by invite. Speak to your Academic Advisor for more information |
Preparing for promotion to Senior Lecturer | This workshop is designed to support your planning and preparation for a promotion application | Search the Learning Event Catalogue |
Engage with the Future Leaders Programme | This programme will develop leadership skills, and widen your sphere of influence across the University | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Engage with an external network | Networks with partners and alliances can provide opportunities to support current and future research at Essex. | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Impact Academy Programme | Training and development opportunities to improve your understanding of research impact | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Support for new staff Library guide | This guide introduces staff to what the library can offer you and your students | Work through the Library's guide for new staff at Essex |
Support for research students Library guide | This guide from the Library provides support to research students through their time at Essex. | Work through the Library’s guide for research students. |
Research Impact Tool | The Research Impact Toolkit provides a suite of tools and resources to help you start planning an impact strategy and make developing research impact an integral part of your research practice. The toolkit is a comprehensive and in-depth resource for researchers at all levels and is hosted on Moodle. | Go to the Research Impact Tool |
Times Higher Education early career research support | Career development advice for early career researchers from across the sector | Find out more on the Times Higher Education Campus web page |
Media and communications training | A range of communications training to support researchers to develop the reach and impact of their research | Media Training |
Whilst all research careers are unique, being established as a researcher but not senior or experienced can be a challenging moment in a career for some. The activities below have been suggested by current researchers at Essex to support career development and progression for established, mid-career researchers.
Activity | Focus | Next steps |
Research Integrity Moodle course | This is essential training for all researchers at Essex | Complete Modules 1 and 2 of the Moodle course |
Academic permanency and promotion guidance | Information related to academic promotion | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Preparing for promotion to Reader or Professor | This workshop is designed to support your planning and preparation for a promotion application | Search the Learning Event Catalogue |
Review the Researcher Development Framework | A through career focal point for researchers at Essex | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Engage with an internal or external leadership development programme | A range of leadership programmes are available for Essex employees | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Engage with an external network | Networks with partners and alliances can provide opportunities to support current and future research at Essex | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Group coaching | This can provide a peer support approach to maximise opportunities and respond to challenges | Find out more by emailing |
Guidance to apply for large grants | Find out about funding opportunities and support available to apply for large grants. | Speak to the Researcher Development Manager for your area or access the Funding Scheme briefings Moodle site |
Impact Academy Programme | Training and development opportunities to improve your understanding of research impact | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Library guide for established researchers | This guide outlines how the Library can support research staff throughout their career at Essex. | Find out more about the support the Library can offer researchers in this guide. |
Research Impact Tool | The Research Impact Toolkit provides a suite of tools and resources to help you start planning an impact strategy and make developing research impact an integral part of your research practice. The toolkit is a comprehensive and in-depth resource for researchers at all levels and is hosted on Moodle. | Go to the Research Impact Tool |
Media and communications training | A range of communications training to support researchers to develop the reach and impact of their research. | Media training |
Continued development in effective practices is important for all researchers, including experienced researchers. Some suggested career development support for experienced researchers are included below, informed by current experienced researchers at Essex.
Activity | Focus | Next steps |
Research Integrity Moodle course | This is essential training for all researchers at Essex | Complete Modules 1 and 2 of the Moodle course |
Review the Researcher Development Framework | A through career focal point for researchers at Essex | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Meet with the Director of Research or Faculty Dean Research | Engage with these role holders to share your context and identify options to support you in your role | Arrange a meeting with your Director of Research or Faculty Dean Research |
Engage with the Strategic Leaders programme | This programme is designed to nurture top-level leadership skills, strategic thinking and personal networks | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Group coaching | This can provide a peer support approach to maximise opportunities and respond to challenges. | Find out more by emailing |
Impact Academy Programme | Training and development opportunities to improve your understanding of research impact. | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Library guide for established researchers | This guide outlines how the Library can support research staff throughout their career at Essex. | Find out more about the support the Library can offer researchers in this guide. |
Research Impact Toolkit | The Research Impact Toolkit provides a suite of tools and resources to help you start planning an impact strategy and make developing research impact an integral part of your research practice. The toolkit is a comprehensive and in-depth resource for researchers at all levels and is hosted on Moodle. | Research Impact Toolkit |
Media and communications training | A range of communications training to support researchers to develop the reach and impact of their research. |
Media training |
Guidance to apply for large grants | Find out about funding opportunities and support available to apply for large grants | Speak to the Research Development Manager for your area or access the Funding Scheme briefings Moodle Site. |
This list is intended to ensure that all researchers are aware of the support available to ensure that they deliver successful research projects when they have been awarded a grant.
Action | Next steps |
Familiarise yourself with the Managing an award support | Find out more on the Staff Directory or email |
Complete Essential Training for managers if you are managing people |
Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Consider attending the 2 day Operational Team Leader Programme to develop your team management skills | Search the learning event catalogue |
Familiarise yourself with Project Management support and resources | Find out more on the Staff Directory |
Review advice in the Research Management section of Times Higher Education Campus webpage | Find out more on the Times Higher Education Campus webpage |
Maintain ongoing review of due diligence | More information can be found in the REO Due Diligence Policy and Process document on the Staff Directory |
This career pathway change process supports the ongoing professional development of aspiring researchers who are continuing to meet all the requirements of an ASE career pathway but also meet or have the potential to meet the criteria for appointment to a permanent ASER career pathway.
It applies to staff on ASE career pathways at grade 9 and above, where they have demonstrated aspiration and potential to be a successful ASER member of staff and where an institutional need has been identified to develop ASE staff into an ASER role.
Find out more about transitioning from an ASE to ASER contract.
A tailored role-based support programme is available to support academic Heads and Directors to transition into and flourish in their role.
Which roles have a dedicated role-based support programme?
What is the role-based support programme?
Each Head of Department/School or Director will be invited to attend role based support events and encouraged to frame their professional development plan with the following four areas of the role-based support programme:
Our role-based support programme infographic (.pdf) provides a visual representation of the four areas above.
Further information about the role-based support programmes can be accessed in the Role-Based Support Moodle resource.