Current Heads and Managers of Departments/Schools

Head of Department/School

Head of Department - Professor (R), Department of Economics
Research interests: Labour Economics; Search and Matching Theory; Macroeconomics; Quantitative Economics
Head of School - Professor (R), School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences
Research interests: Biofeedback for Knee Osteoarthritis; Autonomy of Feedback Frequency
Head of Department - Senior Lecturer (R), Department of Literature Film and Theatre Studies (LiFTS)
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence narratives; Climate fiction; Speculative autofiction
Head of Department - Senior Lecturer, Essex Pathways
Research interests: Teacher Training; Teacher Development; The Transition from Teaching General English to EAP; Teacher Reflection; The relationship between academic locus of control and long-term perceived self-efficacy for academic writing in undergraduates
Head of Department - Professor (R), Department of Government
Head of School - Reader, School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies
Research interests: British history since 1939; impact of war and conflict on the home front; The cold war and nuclear conflict; Citizenship in Britain
Head of Department - Senior Lecturer, Department of Language and Linguistics
Research interests: Language Learning for HE students
Head of School - Professor (R), School of Life Sciences
Research interests: Activities of, and interactions between, microbes and their effects on past and present environments; Carbon cycling in marine, estuarine and soil environments, e.g. isoprene degradation and production, hydrocarbon cycling, and cycling of extracellular polymeric substances; Bioremediation and pollution microbiology, e.g. microbial ecology of petroleum hydrocarbon-polluted marine, groundwater and soil environments; Extremophiles & Astrobiology, e.g. the influence of high salt concentrations, different types of solute, and multiple stressors on microbial physiology and ecology; Biotechnological applications of extremophiles; Long-term survival of microorganisms and preservation of cellular macromolecules; Environmental Microbiology; Isoprene Cycling
Head of Department - Professor (R), Department of Sociology and Criminology
Research interests: Social theories of knowledge and ignorance; Economic sociology; Global health governance; Human rights-based approaches to health and development
Head of Department - Professor (R), Department of Psychology
Research interests: Social language processing in normal and special populations (e.g., bilinguals, brain damaged, aging); Emotional and attitudinal language processing across different cultures; Motivational prosody processing; Event-related brain potentials; How teachers' tone of voice can influence students' wellbeing and behaviour
Head of Department - Professor (R), School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Research interests: Brain-Computer Interfaces; Statistical and adaptive signal processing; Mobile brain and body imaging; Technology-mediated rehabilitation; Assistive technology
Head of Department - Professor (R), Edge Hotel School
Research interests: Sociology of Tourism and Hospitality
Head of Department - Professor (R), School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS)
Research interests: Actuarial Mathematics and Actuarial Modelling; Design of Optimal Bonus &ndash Malus Systems; Asset - Liability Management for Pension Funds; Performance Measurement for Pension Funds, Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds; Predictability of Financial Time Series; Risk Management and Solvency; Risk Theory

Department/School Manager

Department Manager, Department of Sociology and Criminology
Ask me about: Day to day operations of the department; Curriculum updates; Our Professional Services Team
School Manager, School of Life Sciences
Ask me about: Strategic Planning; People Recruitment & Management; Financial Planning; Working with the School of Life Sciences; Curriculum Development & Teaching Planning; Space Management; Marketing & Student Recruitment; Quality Assurance & Accreditation; Harassment Support Network
Department Manager, Department of Economics
Ask me about: Professional services across the department; Supporting the department's academic leaders on planning, managing resources and representing the department across the university
Department Manager, Department of Language and Linguistics
Department Manager, Department of Psychology
Ask me about: Planning in the Department; Human Resources and Recruitment; Quality Assurance and Accreditation; Departmental Structures and Processes; Administrative Team Function; Queries, Complaints and Support for staff; Links with the Wider University
School Manager, East 15 Acting School
Department Manager, Essex Pathways
School Manager, Edge Hotel School
Ask me about: • Edge Hotel School operations • Professional Services management • Work based learning • Policies and Procedures • HR matters
Department Manager, Department of Economics
Ask me about: professional services across the department; supporting the department's academic leaders on planning, managing resources and representing the department across the university
School Manager, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS)
Ask me about: Planning in the School; Leadership and delivery of all professional services activities within the School; Human Resources and Recruitment ; Financial Management; Professional Services link with Wider University and External Stakeholders
Department Manager, Department of Literature Film and Theatre Studies (LiFTS)
Head of Operations and Business Services, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: Policies and Process in the School of Health and Social Care
Department Manager, Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies
Ask me about: All matters to do with the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex.
Department Manager, Department of Government
School Manager, Essex Law School
Ask me about: Human Resources and recruitment; Curriculum development; Quality assurance and acceditation; Working with the School of Law; Teaching timetables
School Manager, Edge Hotel School
Ask me about: Edge Hotel School operations • Professional Services management • Exams and Assessment • Policies and Procedures • HR matters
School Manager, School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies
Ask me about: Strategic planning; HR matters and staff appointments; Timetabling; Exam Boards; Quality assurance; School finances
School Manager, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences

For Heads of School and School Manager equivalents at East 15 Acting School and Edge Hotel School, please visit their respective web pages.